
THE seagull


sunil ✺ THE seagull ✺ he/him ✺

  • Sunil is…well, Sunil is Sunil. He is pretty chill and gets along with everyone. He likes to dance, drinks way too much caffeine, and never seems to sleep. He always has a big smile on his face and is genuinely excited to be a part of just about anything. Sunil loves to go to concerts, is always taking photos, and runs a blog dedicated to the best hiking trails in the PNW. His favorite types of games to play are games that require a lot of social interaction, loud noises, physical activity, and jokes!

  • Inventory

  • Seagulls have an impressive sense of smell which studies suggest let them detect food from up to three miles away! Your sandwich is never safe

    • Teen Movie: Himbo

    • Cyberpunk: Street Samurai

    • Anime: Wingman

    • MTG Color Alignment: Green

  • DND Class: Barbarian

    MTG Deck: Red Deck Wins

    Board Game: Social/Negotiation

    Beverage: Cold brew coffee

    Event Type: MTG EDH (Commander night!)

    Crafting: Selfie corner

    • Literary: Comic books

    • Music: Eurodance

    • Movie: Superhero

    • Video Game: Platformer


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